Cold and Windy
(Having some internet and posting problems. Photos are beneath the text.)
The temperature really started dropping since Friday and the strong winds on Saturday made it feel even colder. The ride ended up being 47 miles but it was one of those days where it felt like a lot more than that. Getting out of Daleville was a little hectic with all the traffic. The route still parallels and then crosses back and forth over Interstate 81 often, so it’s not the quietest riding. But when it left the interstate it was going through some fantastic countryside.
The forecast called for winds out of the west/northwest, which I thought would help me out. But not once did it feel like I was being assisted by any kind of tailwind. It seemed like the opposite. The road changed direction often and many times I could feel and hear the wind strongly blowing directly at me. I had flashbacks to Wyoming and what riding through that state was like.
As far as the hills, it was another day where you would swear that all you were doing was climbing. There were some long, tedious climbs. And even on what looked to be a downhill, the speed never seemed to pick up.
I finally got some use out of my helmet. As I was going through a stretch with some very tall trees, something fell from one directly on top of it. It was a pretty big jolt and I think there would have been more than a little pain involved if I wasn’t wearing it. Some hard, plum sized objects were along the road, so I guess that’s what it was.
The days on the road are really numbered now. I’m planning to arrive in Yorktown on Wednesday.
When you get to the east coast you should turn around and ride back to Oregon.
Haha… I think this will be enough. These hills won’t go away.
But if you’re going the opposite way, they’ll be downhill.
I’m still not doing it.