Into the Bluegrass State
Friday I was up just after 5:00 at the Bay Creek Campground in Robbs. After cleaning the bike a little and doing some maintenance it was one of the few mornings where I was on the road before 7:00. [Read more…]
Seeing small town America from the bicycle seat ___________________________
Friday I was up just after 5:00 at the Bay Creek Campground in Robbs. After cleaning the bike a little and doing some maintenance it was one of the few mornings where I was on the road before 7:00. [Read more…]
As you can probably gather from the title of this post, not a whole lot went on on Thursday’s 51 mile day.
It started off with trying to eat breakfast at the motel and catch up on the hurricane about to hit Florida. However, the desk clerk wanted to have a one way nonstop conversation about politics, his kids, his second job, lack of sleep, working on his friend’s truck… Nice guy, but you wonder how these kinds of talkers can go on and on like that. [Read more…]
Wednesday morning I woke up in Chester to storm clouds passing over. I thought the forecast had called for mostly clear skies for the week, but it didn’t look good. I got things packed up and when I was ready to go a light rain that was falling had stopped. [Read more…]
Tuesday, October 4th was the two month mark of the trip and the other day I went over 3,000 miles. Now I’m at 3,122. For the 52 days of riding that puts me at a 60 mile per day average, and with the rest days included it’s an average of 50 miles per day. [Read more…]